Tarn Wilson
5-Minute Daily Writing Prompts:
501 Prompts to Unleash Creativity
and Spark Inspiration
Contains over a year's worth of daily, original genre-oriented prompts. Ideal for writing teachers, beginning writers, or experienced writers looking for fresh ideas.
"A woman awakes early in the morning to see her shadow sneaking out the bedroom door. She follows."
"Remember a place you have lived that has emotional significance. In the voice of a tour guide, introduce someone to this place."
"Your character is on a road trip when they discover an unusual museum, such as the Museum of Junk Food or the Museum of Unfulfilled Longings. Describe the museum."
Praise for 5-Minute Daily Writing Prompts
Showing up to work is the most important part of any writing practice. These short, playful prompts are charming invitations to do just that: show up and write. Perfect for seasoned artists and beginners of all ages." - Mary Volmer, author of the novel Reliance, Illinois
New to writing? This book is for you. Want lively, playful, sparkling ways to approach words? This book is for you! Thank you, Tarn Wilson, for 501 inventive paths toward writing. - Peggy Shumaker, author of Just Breathe Normally and Calm.
Tarn Wilson's thoughts on how to think like a writer are embedded in her book's hundreds of playful and well-organized prompts. Writers write regularly, and the first step is to have fun inventing. Get the book and write, write, write! - Sheila Bender, author of A New Theology: Turning to Poetry in a Time of Grief and Since Then: Poems and Short Prose
Not only is Tarn Wilson's 5-Minute Daily Writing Prompts a treasure trove of inspiration, it's like having your own personal writing coach to motivate you and cheer you on. Wilson encourages you to make realistic goals, but at the same time to let go of perfectionism, be playful, and trust your imagination.
- Jill McCabe Johnson, author of Revelations We Hoped We'd Outgrown and Diary of a Swelling Sea.
About Tarn Wilson

Tarn Wilson is the author of three books: the award-winning memoir-in-essays In Praise of Inadequate Gifts (Wandering Aengus Press, 2021); 5-Minute Daily Writing Prompts: 501 Prompts to Unleash Your Creativity and Inspire You to Write (Rockridge Press, 2022), and the memoir The Slow Farm (Ovenbird Books: Judith Kitchen Selects, 2014). Her personal essays and poetry have been published in numerous journals, including Brevity, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, River Teeth, Ruminate, and The Sun. She is a graduate of the Rainier Writing Workshop and is an educator in the San Francisco Bay Area.